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2022 / 08
Using zustand in react - performance gains (Pt. 2)
Using zustand in react - performance gains (Pt. 1)
Using zustand in react - performance pains
Getting all files containing a failed test from a jest run
2010 / 12
My bare minimum NDepend rules (and how to get them into a new project)
2010 / 05
Visual Studio 2010: Introducing new pitfalls
2010 / 03
Some PowerShell Foo...playin' with da Task Scheduler
rfb: Getting several values out of a PowerShell script
rfb: Marrying MSBuild and PowerShell
2009 / 11
Use 32 and 64bit Oracle Client in parallel on Windows 7 64-bit for e.g. .NET Apps
2009 / 08
Intermezzo: XSL 2.0 on .NET
2008 / 08
Don't be afraid of your csproj-Files (III): We have a condition
Don't be afraid of your csproj-Files (II): Add Your own Targets
2008 / 04
NDepend Cheat Sheet
2007 / 06
Some testing is always going on