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2013 / 12
Get periodic messages into MemBus
MemBus 3.0
2012 / 03
membus v2 news
2011 / 09
Making a WinRT component out of Membus – Pt.1, making Membus compile
2011 / 08
More tricks from ye olde Event Aggregator: No, I don’t want that message for a while
2010 / 11
MemBus: New Features…
2010 / 10
MemBus + Caliburn.Micro = Lean Screen
2010 / 09
MemBus: Using an IoC Container to provide subscribers
MemBus extension points
MemBus Rich Client showcase: A WPF Twitter Client
Using MemBus
Membus: Performance considerations
MemBus: A more complex rich client setup
Introducing MemBus: Construction Variants
2010 / 08
Introducing MemBus: Constructing it
Introducing MemBus: In-Memory Publish/Subscribe Messaging