Untested Extension method which should be a nice one
You probably know by now that I quite like the upcoming extension methods in .NET 3.5.
I haven’t tested the following code as I don’t have the right framework at hand right now (and I cannot be asked to turn on my laptop), but I don’t see why it shouldn’t work:
[Update 27.09.07: This version now does work, thanks to Christoph as well as a check on my Orcas VM]
static class TimeExtensions{ public static DateTime AsDate(this string datetime) { return DateTime.Parse(datetime); }}
static class GenericExtensions{ public static bool Between<T>(this T me, T lower, T upper) where T : IComparable<T> { return me.CompareTo(lower) >= 0 && me.CompareTo(upper) < 0; }}
Now you can write:
if (someNumber.Between(3,7)) // Do stuff...if (someDate.Between("12.01.1978".AsDate(),"14.03.1988".AsDate())) // Do stuff
Does it go too far or do you like this stuff?