The WPF stack du jour

For the past year i’ve had plenty of possibility to get my head around WPF as a UI technology. In that time a number of frameworks have crystallized that in their combination makes writing good WPF Apps, let’s say, bearable:


What it brings to the table:

What it should bring to the table: Not much really, I prefer that thing to stay low-profile.

What it shouldn’t bring to the table: I can’t find a use case for the coroutine implementation, I don’t need the event aggregator (see MemBus), it’s unlikely I’ll ever need all those default conductors already defined.


What it brings to the table: Fufils all instantiation needs you’ll ever have, served to you in a non-ceremomial way that puts the current MEF incarnation to shame.

What it should bring to the table: Some funky things I am beginning to desire after a couple of years of DI Container usage.


What it brings to the table: Fulfils all “event aggregation” needs you’ll ever have. Seamless wiring of ViewModels to messages, in-built mechsnism to ensure messages are processed on the UI thread or processed in the background, extensible to allow your own interesting scenarios around app-internal messaging.

What it should bring to the table: I am still wondering whether correlated messaging could be useful (publishing a message with id x and then receiving messages in the context of that id)

What it doesn’t need to bring to the table: Funny enough there is quite a bit of API I don’t need anymore, because it can be expressed in a different way that seems more attractive and maintainable. I’ll probably mark those bits as obsolete.

This package, sprinkled with a number of goodies which I usually don’t bother making a dll of (for example the DataTemplateChoice, or an attached property to influence Focus from the ViewModel, or a key binding service with a simple API that saves me the trouble to know the goddamn visual tree all the time) allows for a pretty quick development speed while maintaining a fairly clean overall structure and keeping a number of hooks and tools around to tackle more challenging stuff.