Some hints on how different JAVA generics appear to be to .NET generics
A tss entry caught my curiosity as it was talking about a “generics puzzle” in JAVA. Finally, I thought, an example-based look at how JAVA generics differ from their .NET pendant? Indeed, the puzzle turns out to not be one in e.g. C#.
If the intent is to be able to create instances of a provided type argument, we need a constrain on the provided type argument to provide a parameterless constructor…
class GenericCheck<T> where T : new() { public T Instance { get { return Activator.CreateInstance<T>(); } }}
Beware, though that if T has no default constructor, construction will fail with a MissingMethodException. Funny enough though, the Activator’s method has no constraint on T, which it could easily implement:
public V CreateInstance<V>() where V : new() ...
Apart from that you could also construct types that have no default constructor. Just sprinkle in some reflection. The type in question is easily accessed with typeof(T)…
class GenericCheck<T> {
public T Instance(string name, int age) { Type t = typeof(T); ConstructorInfo info = t.GetConstructor( new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(int) }); if (info != null) { return (T)info.Invoke(BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null,new object[] { name, age },null); } return default(T); }
public static void Test() { GenericCheck<Person> gp = new GenericCheck<Person>(); Person p = gp.Instance("martha", 24);}
What you don’t get with this approach is type safety, and you’ll probably have a performance penalty, but that’s another subject. So, no puzzles to be seen…