PI Revisited - again!
What Andre’s link caused…
One idea that came up from a former colleague of mine, Christoph was to rebase the number PI to 27, allowing for a presentation in the form of letters of the alphabet. His first tackle at this was written in ruby:
A nice way to express what is also presented here at wikipedia.
After doing some research as to how I could rebase arbitrarily large numbers, my search was suddenly halted by a uber-geek page. Once more I had to accept that whatever silly way to waste your time you come up with, someone has done it before you, and even added some icing to the cake. May I present to you Dr. Mike’s Math, where you can search for arbitrary strings within the first 31,415,929 digits of Π. That’s a good start, I’d say! This is so geeky, I would think it is correct.
Consequently, this case is closed. Really. I swear by eiπ!