Mermaid in Astro
The release notes of Astro 5.5 explicitly mentioned that it should now be much easier to integrate mermaid-based diagramming into Astro sites, which immediately peaked my interest as this was something I thought of as nice-to-have to support some technical discussion e.g. with a flowchart or a sequence diagram.
Setting it up was not that difficult, yet it still presented me with some gotchas that you may also trip over as a novice in those particular technologies. Hence this post essentially serves as a documentation what I had to do. Let’s start with an overview:
Ensure Astro 5.5+
Piece of cake (assuming you already have an Astro site going):
npx @astrojs/upgrade
Install necessary dependencies
The following packages were relevant:
"dependencies": { "astro": "^5.5.3", "@astrojs/mdx": "^4.2.1", "...": "...", "playwright": "^1.51.1", "rehype-mermaid": "^3.0.0" }
playwright is apparently necessary to be able to create the images generated from mermaid markdown statically, i.e. not directly in the browser of the visitor hitting
Also, make sure playwright can work correctly:
npx playwright install --with-deps chromium
Change Astro configuration
Time to touch the site’s configuration:
import rehypeMermaid from "rehype-mermaid";
export default defineConfig({ ... markdown: { syntaxHighlight: { type: "shiki", excludeLangs: ["mermaid"] }, rehypePlugins: [[rehypeMermaid, { strategy: "img-svg", dark: true, colorScheme: "forest" }]] }, integrations: [ ... mdx(), sitemap(), ],});
Check out the rehype mermaid repo to see what options are available to you.
Deployment? Make sure Playwright gets installed correctly
The final stumbling block was the actual deployment that I do via github actions. Here it is necessary to also ensure that playwright will work correctly.
jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout your repository using git uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Get playwright for mermaid stuff run: npx playwright install --with-deps chromium - name: Install, build, and upload your site uses: withastro/action@v2
and this is pretty much it! Of course the generated diagrams may not win beauty contests, but dark mode is supported and it is a pretty easy workflow to eg tell chat gpt to make some mermaid workflow from an informal description and then paste the text here. Btw, the above workflow looks like this in the source code:
```mermaidgraph TD S((Start)) --> A[Ensure Astro 5.5+] A --> B[Install necessary dependencies] B --> C[Change Astro configuration] C --> D{Need to deploy?} D -- Yes --> E[Make sure Playwright gets installed] D -- No --> F((Finished)) E --> F```
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