Mastodon-based commenting on this site
Thanks to a post by Carl Schwan, I now have some a very basic commenting system, provided someone actually has an account with which to reply on the Fediverse, and I have a Fediverse post linked to a blog post. That’s a lot of assumptions, but I assume this is better than nothing, and also, it does not use anything weird that goes after your data a lot.
The basic code is very much derived from above post, however it has been adapted a bit to work well in my Astro site.
Views into the code
An id for a mastodon post to be associated with a blog post is given through a new entry in a post’s frontmatter. This is specified in Astro’s config.
When the mastodonRef
property is present, a new component is rendered in the page “template”.
The new Comments
component then has the job to fetch the relevant data upon a click. There are some notable
differences to Carl’s implementation in that the DOM-Element building was too hardcore for me.
I went for an interpolated string and then use a DOMParser
to get the proper DOM out of it:
I make some use of data attributes to play nice with the styling (well, the styling ain’t gonna win a prize 😅). What is a bit special is that relevant setup data is given to the main script via data attributes. This is because the astro build step basically makes a javascript module out of a script on an Astro component. The whole component is here on github.
With an account on the Fediverse or Mastodon, you can respond to this post. Since the Fediverse is decentralized, you can use your existing account hosted by another Mastodon server or compatible platform if you don't have an account on this one. Known non-private replies are displayed below.
Reply to this blog post via mastodon