fixie and resharper, smooth sailing on the Agenda.

I was willing to have a play with fixie, a new test runner, but was unimpressed by the situation of how to get fixie tests run in resharper. Yesterday, I tried the internet again: search on fixie

Right, a fixie runner!

The readme shows a short and concise way to bring the plugin into resharper by adding a new nuget feed to the resharper extension sources (Resharper -> Options & Extension Manager…). Once you want to install that extension, make sure you read the readme (which I didn’t, so I missed that the extension is a pre-release package and you have to make sure that you see it).

options extension manager

Fixie is then available as a Nuget package, too, which you install into your test project. You will also need an assertion library, I took Shouldly (which btw plays it neat in the message output, don’t understand how it does it yet).

At first I didn’t see any tests appearing in the Resharper’s Unit Test explorer, this was remedied by right-clicking the project file and saying “Run Unit Tests” - lo and behold, fixie tests were running happily and I haven’t looked back since on this project.

Your own testing conventions also get honored by the test runner. Here, it is sufficient to put a class into your test project that derives from Convention (or, indeed DefaultConvention). I used that to have a convention on how to feed input parameters to a test method…

public void Distance_Correctly_Calculated(Note note1, Note note2, int distance)
(note1 - note2).ShouldBe(distance);
public static IEnumerable<object[]> Note1Note2DistanceSource()
Func<Note,Note,int,object[]> f = (note, note1, arg3) => new object[] { note, note1, arg3 };
yield return f(new Note("C"), new Note("D"), 1);
yield return f(new Note("C"), new Note("H"), 6);

This also gets correctly executed with the kind of output you’d expect…

test runner display

Consider me a happy camper!