Coding Katas – Improving the mechanics of coding

If only one could code straight from the brain – Alas, we aren’t there yet. If you want to reduce the impedance between a programming idea in your mind and the act of coding you can do exercises that concentrate on reducing that impedance. This is what Code Katas are: exercises whose problem domain are understood by you, and which by repetition you can concentrate on the mechanics of coding. After all, you don’t expect a musician to only ever play her instrument on a gig, right?

The past day I’ve gone through this small coding Kata posted by Roy Osherove, the String Calculator.

One important aspect of improving the mechanics is knowing well the tools you’re using. I must admit that I’d never attempt this exercise without resharper. In preparation for a Katacast I also had to improve some of the tooling that I commonly use:

In combination with the shortcuts I’m already using + the awesome resharper functionality it allows for pretty long runs of mouseless development in red-green-refactor cycles.