Mermaid in Astro

mermaid is a library that allows you to create a variety of diagrams and charts with a relatively simple markdown syntaxAstro is a web framework to build static sites as well as sites with interaction…

Depending on a colour

Since the end of January, the established world order of the West is being torn apart, as Trump and his gang of kleptocrats are ripping out the backbone of said order. For better or worse, the deal…

A HTTP file server by ChatGPT

After yesterday’s update of some long standing code on this website, considering that writing this kind of code is a pretty routine work, I tasked ChatGPT to write me the same that I did. Here is my…

A HTTP file server in 60 lines of code

15 (!) years ago I wrote a post on writing a web server serving files from a directory in a small amount of code in .NET. Revisiting the premise with the current capabilities naturally yields to a…

Mastodon-based commenting on this site

Thanks to a post by Carl Schwan, I now have some a very basic commenting system, provided someone actually has an account with which to reply on the Fediverse, and I have a Fediverse post linked to a…

Razor components within an MVC context

I am currently looking into how to ease our frontend developers with react background into doing more backend work.“But react is perfectly fine” you say. Well, to a degree. However, there is a…

Querying & Transforming JSON

Seeing that there was yet another way to query & transform JSON that I hadn’t heard of, I wanted to collect all the ways to do just that for future referenceJSON PathWikipedia states thatJSONPath is a…

Rabbits and Ducks

A couple of years ago I already shared an image that to me conveys a deep truth about the human condition and is one of my all-time favorites. Here comes another favorite that I would want to keep on…

Musings on Fermi's Paradox, Learning, Evolution

In the words of wikipedia, Fermi’s paradox:The Fermi paradox is the discrepancy between the lack of conclusive evidence of advanced extraterrestrial life and the apparently high likelihood of its…